Kiwi And Seedless Grape Project In Akkar, North Lebanon

The project aims to develop the cultivation of Kiwi fruit and seedless grapes in Akkar. INMA distributed kiwi seedlings and grape plants in addition to all needed equipments to 50 farmers in 7 villages in Akkar covering and areas of 60,000 sqm.

Overall Objectives: 
- Introduce high-value, high-potential crops in Lebanon - Contribute to existing agricultural crop diversification - Substitute existing imports of kiwi fruit and seedless grapes with domestic products - Create new export crops and increase export income - Increase source of income to farmers - Create new, recognizable brands of Lebanese products in the world market
1. Introducing High Value Kiwi and Seedless Table Grape Production 2. Identification of Beneficiaries 3. Land Preparations 4. Production 5. Marketing 6. Branding and Market Development
Start Date
Mon, 01/01/2007 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations