Consultant required for Lebanon’s 2018 KPC survey report-Bekaa: (Health and Nutrition Knowledge, Practices and Coverage Survey Analysis and Report Consultancy)


Project description:

In Lebanon, Medair is currently implementing a health project with funding from the Government of Canada-IHA and EU-MADAD.  The aim of the project is to provide Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese access to life-saving primary health care in Social Development Centre (SDC) clinics and promote behavior change through the Community Health Program, facilitated by Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) and Community Midwives (CMW) in the Bekaa Valley. 

Medair, in close coordination with MOSA, is currently supporting seven clinics in Central, West and North Bekaa with focus on mother and child health, in addition to mental health and psychosocial support, through the provision of human resources, medicines, equipment, capacity building and supportive supervision to each of the clinics.

Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in the SDC catchment area deliver a community health promotion package and  have been trained on relevant health topics including exclusive breastfeeding, family planning, essential maternal and newborn care, early marriage, lice and scabies treatment and referral systems. Community midwives provide antenatal care, postnatal care and family planning. CHVs and community midwives carry out household visits, community outreach in Informal Settlements within SDC catchment areas as well as meet refugees and vulnerable host communities in community shared places.

Medair’s’ health project has 3 immediate outcomes:

1. Improved access for vulnerable women, girls, boys and men (WGBM) to lifesaving primary health care services, including mental health and psychosocial services

2. Improved quality of health care services provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs SDCs and strengthened capacity to respond to the increased health needs

3. Increased health, nutrition and hygiene awareness and practice of key preventative behaviors for vulnerable women, girls, boys and men (WGBM).


Purpose of the consultancy:

In December 2018, Medair will conduct two large-scale Knowledge, Practice and Coverage (KPC) household cluster surveys, targeting Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese, reaching approximately 2300 women and caregivers with children under five years of age. The surveys will measure standardized health and nutrition indicators to assess the current health and nutrition related knowledge, practices and service coverage of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese in the project areas in Bekaa valley, in Lebanon. The purpose of the surveys is to provide robust data in order to monitor and adapt current programming, and to support future programming priorities.

Qualifications, experience and skills required:

The consultant will need to have proven experience in designing and conducting large scale household surveys and performing statistical data analysis, using appropriate software, such as SPSS, to analyse data using complex analysis functions for cluster sampling. A degree in public health and strong experience in monitoring and evaluation is desirable. Strong proficiency in English is essential.  


Location of work:

 Remote consultancy or short field visit to the Bekaa Valley in the case of a locally-based consultant.


 January – March 2019


Please find attached  Terms of Rerferences 


How to apply

Interested consultants are asked to provide a quotation for the consultancy services outlined in the Terms of Reference.

They should add:

  • A description of their capacities in a CV, showing their experience especially in similar projects
  • References
  • An example of a similar piece of work
  • An indication of their fluency in English and other languages.


Quotations should be sent to [email protected] by 1 January, 2019. Please submit your quotations only in USD.

Monday, 31. Dec 2018
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Health, Refugees