Assessment on Psychosocial Needs of Iraqis Displaced in Jordan and Lebanon

The Assessment of Psychosocial Needs of Iraqis Displaced in Jordan and Lebanon was conducted between November 2007 and January 2008, with the aim to assess the mental health and psychosocial needs of Iraqis displaced in Jordan and Lebanon, to investigate the provision of services available to them, and plan interventions addressing their needs. The research has a double-fold objective: provide all humanitarian actors with information and insights that can make them more psychosocial sensitive and aware while providing assistance; and to help psychosocial professionals conceive specific psychosocial programs targeting the psychosocial uneasiness of Iraqis displaced.

International Organization For Migration
Publishing Date: 
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Internally Displaced Population, Mental Health & Psychosocial