EXCOL (External Collaboration Contract) - Graphic Designer for Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme in Lebanon (EIIP) and ENABLE Programme


The Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) of the ILO in collaboration with ENABLE Project has been dedicated to supporting member states in addressing unemployment and underemployment for over 40 years. With a focus on public investment, particularly in infrastructure development, the program aims to optimize the employment content of projects. By incorporating careful planning, thorough design, effective procurement, and diligent supervision, the EIIP strives to maximize the positive impact on infrastructure development and job creation.

In Lebanon, the ILO-EIIP, with funding from Germany through KfW Development Bank and in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Social Affairs, is implementing the Lebanon Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme (EIIP) as part of its response to the Syrian refugee crisis. The objective is to create decent jobs for vulnerable members of the Lebanese host community and Syrian refugees, while also alleviating the strain on local infrastructure.

The EIIP in Lebanon follows an equal-opportunity approach, aiming to include both men and women in labour-intensive work, with a target of engaging more than 30% women in the workforce. Additionally, the project aims to include people with disabilities, reaching at least 4% of the workforce. The infrastructure improvements are designed to generate economic and social benefits for local communities and improve accessibility for people with disabilities.

Currently in Phase V of implementation, the EIIP programme in Lebanon plans to execute approximately 30 infrastructure projects or sub-projects across the country. These projects aim to address the immediate needs of vulnerable populations, promote long-term development objectives, and foster collaboration between national stakeholders.

The ILO is implementing the ENABLE Programme with funding from the European Union in partnership with Lebanese ministries, local authorities. The programme aims to provide alternative and sustainable livelihoods and access to decent work for individuals in Lebanon, particularly unskilled and unemployed youth, women, and persons with disabilities. It offers employment-related services, skills training, short-term employment in local infrastructure programs, and support for self-employment through enterprise and entrepreneurship development. The goal is to improve labour market outcomes, establish effective processes and referral mechanisms, and deliver job-oriented skills training, career guidance, and support for entrepreneurs. ENABLE also aims to enhance the connection between active labour market initiatives and social protection measures to help social protection beneficiaries enter the labour market and prevent precarious workers from losing their jobs. The program focuses on increasing economic opportunities for vulnerable populations through short-term employment, skills development, coaching services, and the integration of employment and social services. Specifically, it includes strategies and initiatives to support Lebanese social protection beneficiaries and Syrian refugees receiving safety net allowances in entering or re-entering the workforce, empowering them with the necessary tools, skills, and opportunities to become self-sufficient and economically active.


The overall objective of the assignment is to creatively design and execute the layout work for a wide range ILO EIIP and ENABLE projects communication materials. The designer will be responsible for providing InDesign and camera-ready versions of these materials in both web and print formats. It is crucial that the designs align with the established ILO branding guidelines and adhere to the current ILO publication guidelines and standards.

Therefore, the ILO is planning an consultancy contractor (EXCOLL) with an individual consultant to conduct services stated in the Scope of Work section below. The contract duration is 9 months starting Mid-April 2024 until Jan 2025.

Scope of Work

The main task of the graphic designing service provider will be to develop layout and design for the ILO EIIP and ENABLE materials to present/describe all the data in such a way that external audience can easily understand and draw lessons from the documents.

Furthermore, the service provider will make the materials as much as possible self-explanatory through different creative methods using graphics, illustrations, and pictorials so that the wider audience will get more information about the work of the ILO Programme.

Accordingly, this TOR outlines the request of a professional graphic designing service provider to deliver the following tasks:

  • Develop documents specific layout and graphic design mockup to be used in the designing and layout of the materials for ILO staff to review. All Visuals provided by the graphic designer must be royalty free and permissible for the ILO’s use in the materials.
  • 3 design options or mock-ups will be prepared for the ILO to choose from.
  • The materials design incorporates the ILO, KfW, EU and Lebanese logos prominently.
  • Propose innovative ideas and present the layout idea to ILO, discuss on the proposed layout, and incorporate feedback.
  • Design and layout the documents based on the agreed mockup.

The deliverables under the Outputs section shows the materials to creatively design, do the layout, and prepare camera-ready for web and print versions.

The selected service provider will be requested to provide services based on needs between May 2024 and Jan 2025.


The selected service provider needs to deliver the final designs both the InDesign and pdf versions (print and web) of the layout of the following materials as per the delivery date on the contract:

ILO Focal Points

Under the overall supervision and guidance of theENABLE CTA and the EIIP Senior Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator, the service provider will directly work with the Communications Assistant of the ILO EIIP/ENABLE programmes. The Communications Assistant will provide specific guidance and ILO brand book for the service provider to ensure organizational branding.

Note: The total time allocated to this assignment is 10 Months. The consultant will be approached based on need to complete one of the above-mentioned deliverables in a timely and effective manner.

Timeline and Contract Administration

The assignment shall start on 10 May 2024 and end on 31 Jan 2025.

Payment schedule will be effected upon approval

  • 30% upon successful completion and delivery of Phase I Design Phase (Prototype) as detailed above per assignment.
  • Final payment upon successful completion and delivery of the entire assignment per request.

      The service provider will be paid based on the above breakdown per activity/deliverable. 

Education: A degree or diploma in Graphic Design


  • Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience
  • Previous experience in ILO local resource-based approaches and labour-intensive work would be considered an advantage.
  • Proven experience in producing publications with innovative graphic designs with the use of software such as Adobe Design Premium, In-Design, Illustrator, CorelDraw, web design tools such as Dreamweaver and Flash, etc.
  • Experience of graphic production from start to published/printed product with knowledge of printing processes (offset and digital) and color management.
  • Individuals shall not be identified on the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (CUNSCSL), World Bank’s Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals, and lists of sanctioned and/or suspended vendors maintained by UN Organizations (“Sanctions Lists”) or on the “KfW List”.
  • At least five years of experience in the relevant consultancy field.
  • Technical capacity: the Consultant had worked on at least three major projects in fields related to infrastructure and relevant subject matter in the past 3 years with UN agencies or INGOs.
  • A strong understanding of design principles, such as layout, composition, colour theory, and typography.
  • The ability to create visually appealing and effective designs that communicate a message clearly.
  • Proficiency in industry-standard design software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
  • Excellent attention to details and a commitment to quality.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills.
  • The ability to work independently and meet deadlines.
  • Languages: Excellent command of English and Arabic.

Other conditions of work

Use of own vehicle etc.

Consultant will use his/her own transport to worksites and must have access to computer, internet and communication facilities on daily basis.


The ILO accepts no liability in the event of death, injury or illness of the External Collaborator. The External Collaborator attests that he/she is adequately covered by insurance for these risks. In no circumstances shall the External Collaborator be covered by any ILO insurance and it is his/her responsibility to take out, at his/her own expense, any personal insurance policies he/she may consider necessary, including a civil liability insurance policy.

Unsatisfactory or incomplete work

In the event that the work provided for in this contract is unsatisfactory or fails to conform to the conditions set out above, the ILO reserves the right, as appropriate, to interrupt it, to request that it will be corrected or modified, or to refuse to accept it. In such cases partial payments may be made in consideration of the work performed to the satisfaction of the ILO/EIIP CTA and the contract shall be terminated accordingly.

Termination of contract

In case of fraud, manipulation and/ or misconduct the Social Safeguards Consultant will be considered resigned from work upon receiving a written notice. The contract may be terminated by the ILO if the EXCOL fails to perform his/her duties listed in the above ToR to the satisfaction of the ILO. The contract may also be terminated if the consultant committed one or more acts of gross negligence.

In case of early termination of the contract, ILO will only be responsible to compensate for the portion of work completed to the satisfaction of ILO.

For more information on the EIIP Lebanon, please refer to the below link:


How to apply

Interested Consultants should submit the following documents by email to [email protected] , by COB 24 April 2024.

  1. Detailed Resume of personnel working on the assignment.
  2. Cover Letter, highlighting relevant work.
  3. Copy of National Passport.
  4. Methodology and work plan
  5. Financial Fee (using the above table covering all costs and fees for the consultant and by providing the unit rate per deliverable).
Wednesday, 24. Apr 2024
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media