Act Church of Sweden’s Regional Program for the Middle East is opening a Call for Proposals for funding

Act Church of Sweden’s Regional Program for the Middle East is opening a Call for Proposals for funding in the areas of; Social Cohesion, Gender Justice, Sexuality, Identity & Religion and Freedom of Religion or Belief

We welcome proposals for learning/fact finding and networking/conferences within the above mentioned areas from actors engaged in these areas. Co-funding as part of a larger project is possible. All proposals must have a regional dimension.

The regional dimension does not mean that you have to work in more than one country. However, the project must have a regional ambition, such as learning/networking/information sharing with a regional dimension.

Project period: During the period 2019 – June 2020. The start date must be within 2019.

Size of grants100 000 – 400 000 SEK, (about 10 000 - 40 000 USD)

Applicable for funding are registered civil society entities in the Middle East.

Guidelines: Please send a concept note using Act Church of Sweden format or use the equivalent information:

Basic Information of the organisation: name of the organisation, name of the project, contact details, location

Planned start and end date

Total budget for the project and amount requested from Act Church of Sweden

Short description of the organisation

Short context description for the proposal

Target group/beneficiaries

Project goals

Description of activities

Risk analysis

Project planning and monitoring process

Estimated budget


A full proposal will be developed first after contact with Act Church of Sweden.

Deadline for applications: 20 October 2019, applications will be reviewed on arrival


How to apply

Send your application to: [email protected]

Fore more information, please visit:

Sunday, 20. Oct 2019
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Children & Youth, Democracy & Civic rights, Development, Religion, Belief & Ethics