E-Cash System Implementation- SOS Children's Villages Lebanon

SOS Children's Villages in Lebanon is embarking on a transformative journey to shift entirely to an E-Cash transfer system for our Family Strengthening Program (FSP) families and all facilities. This transition aims to move away from cash payments directly to families and endorse modern payment tools and solutions to better support our beneficiaries. We are seeking qualified and experienced financial support providers to handle the E-Cash assistance process for our beneficiaries, covering their various needs.

Scope of Work
The selected vendor will be responsible for the following:
1. Designing and implementing an E-Cash transfer system tailored to the needs of SOS Children's Villages in Lebanon and its beneficiaries.
2. Providing secure and efficient E-Cash transfer solutions for disbursement of financial assistance to FSP families and facilities.
3. Developing user-friendly interfaces and mobile applications for beneficiaries to access and manage their funds.
4. Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and data security standards.
5. Providing comprehensive training and support to SOS Children's Villages Lebanon staff and beneficiaries.
6. Implementing robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms to track the effectiveness and impact of the E-Cash system.

Qualifications and Requirements
Interested bidders must meet the following eligibility criteria:
1. Demonstrated experience in implementing E-Cash transfer systems, preferably in humanitarian or social development contexts.
2. Technical expertise in financial technology solutions, including electronic payment processing and mobile banking.
3. Compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
4. Financial stability and capability to handle the volume of transactions required by SOS Children's Villages in Lebanon.

How to apply

Submission Requirements:
Proposals must include the following:
1- Detailed description of the proposed E-Cash transfer system, including technical specifications and features.
2- Pricing structure, including all applicable fees and charges.
3- Company profile highlighting relevant experience and qualifications.
4- References from previous clients.
5- All bids must be submitted in sealed envelope showing the project name, bidder’s name, phone number and email to the following address:
Beirut, Sin El Fil, Monseigneur Shebli street, SOS building, 3rd floor.
Note that all pages should be stamped and signed.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 29. Mar 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب