
تاريخ البداية: 
17/09/2014 - 3:00am

Dardashat Jandariya is delighted to invite you to the talk with Sahar Mandour around " Potential Change in Media Discourse on Sexuality in Lebanon"

تاريخ البداية: 
04/08/2014 - 3:00am

PROUD Lebanon is glad to host for the first time, Restart Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and Violence.

تاريخ البداية: 
09/07/2014 - 3:00am

The Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service in collaboration with Justice Without Frontierswould like to invite you to
a session by Maitre Brigitte Chelebian

تاريخ البداية: 
26/05/2014 - 3:00am

The United Nations in the Arab World Program & The Human Rights Research Project coridally invite you to a lecture by Mr. John Pace.

تاريخ البداية: 
06/05/2014 - 3:00am

Due to the lack of appropriate public space, Beirut dwellers lay claim today to a number of open areas in the city, the uses of which are akin to ‘public’ spaces – they are accessed freely and allo

تاريخ البداية: 
25/04/2014 - 3:00am

Wael Gamal is an Egyptian economic journalist, columnist, and researcher.

تاريخ البداية: 
23/04/2014 - 3:00am

This event is brought to you by the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs in collaboration with the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies at AUB.

تاريخ البداية: 
23/04/2014 - 3:00am

Institut français du Proche-OrientSyrie - Liban - Jordanie - Irak - T. PalestiniensObservatoire urbain du Proche-OrientSéminaire

تاريخ البداية: 
16/04/2014 - 3:00am

Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs cordially invites you to a presentation:
 "Arab States and UN Human Rights Mechanisms" by Fateh Azzam

تاريخ البداية: 
02/04/2014 - 3:00am

Hunger can be eliminated in our lifetimes.
CCECS in collaboration with the Lebanese Food Bank invites you to an introductory session to know more about the "Not to waste food" program.

تاريخ البداية: 
25/03/2014 - 2:00am

The Lebanese Economic Association invites you to the closing event of its project:
 “Know, React, Engage"
A Public Discussion on Socio-Economic Rights in Lebanon”

تاريخ البداية: 
18/03/2014 - 2:00am

The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs
invites you to: Protecting Syrian Refugees: Laws, Policies and Global Responsibility-Sharing

تاريخ البداية: 
06/03/2014 - 2:00am

Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies, and the Center for American Studies and Research  

تاريخ البداية: 
12/03/2014 - 2:00am

Three active campaigns organizing around sexuality in India have gained international attention.

تاريخ البداية: 
13/03/2014 - 2:00am

The Anis Makdisi Program in Literature
cordially invites you to a lecture by Malek Sharif
The State and the CityUncovering the early history of the municipality of Beirut

تاريخ البداية: 
06/02/2014 - 2:00am

الجامعة الأمريكية في بيروت قسم العلوم الاجتماعية ومركز الدراسات اللبنانية يسره دعوتكم لحضور
بنى الحراك المدني في سوريا قبل وخلال الانتفاضة

تاريخ البداية: 
25/11/2013 - 2:00am

IFI lecture: "Domestic Violence in Lebanon"

تاريخ البداية: 
17/09/2013 - 3:00am

برنامج التنشئة على:
الأديان والشأن العام في لبنان

تاريخ البداية: 
05/09/2013 - 3:00am

في شباط ٢٠١١ انطلقت مظاهرات "إسقاط النظام الطائفي" وجمعت عشرات الآلاف من المطالبين/ات بالدولة العلمانية الديمقراطية والعدالة الإجتماعية والمساواة.

تاريخ البداية: 
27/08/2013 - 3:00am

ندعوكم إلى نقاش مفتوح مع الناشطين تميم عبدو ونبيل عبدو و الصحافية كارول كرباج وناشطين/ات آخرين/ات حول الوضع الإجتماعي والإقتصادي لمدينة طرابلس وباب التبانة وجبل محسن في ظل الصراعات السياسية الطائفي