Casual Worker - Beirut Explosion Response

Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

Mention in the email subject: Casual Worker-Beirut Explosion Response

Interested candidates to send their CVs to the following email:

[email protected]

Mention in the subject: Casual Worker-Beirut Explosion Response

Contact Person Email: 

-    Receive the needed training on the project expectations, messages and requirements.
-    Support in conducting phone calls to a range of families, based on the validation plan, to gather the needed data and fill the appropriate tools.
-    Abide by the messaging provided during the conduction of calls.
-    Report any challenges during calls to the team lead and fill the progress on a daily basis.
-    Ensure proper handling of all WVL assets in the office during the phone validation phase.
-    Receive the needed training for field operational support in the distribution days under WASH, Food Assistance, Shelter support among others.
-    Support in the field visits needed to identify sites and getting them cleared by the needed entities.
-    Support in the warehouse items management, quality control of products and sticking the needed visibility logos on the items among other tasks.
-    Be present during the distribution based on the plan deveoped by the project team and abide by the requirements needed from you based on the asigned station.
-    Display warm, energetic and professional behavior during the distributions and ensure all the branding guidelines are respected (vests, caps, etc ..)
-    Support the project team in communicating all the needed items from the office to the distribution sites, managing these assets and ensure safe return to the office.
-    Particiapte in the debrief after every distribution to report challenges, observations and lessons learnt.
-    Support in the door-to-door distribution for excluded families, whenever needed for the Beirut Blast response affected communities in all the covered sectors.
-    Provide the needed reports as requested by the project team.
-    For the casual workers who will utilize their cars as per the agreement, to abide by WVL fleet standards and ensure the proper forms are filled.
-    Apply all safety measures in the office and the field as per WVL standards.
-    Support in gathering the related MOV and supporting documents prior, during and post distributions as requested by the team lead.
-    Fill and archive specific forms for the refferal and weekly reporting ensuring confidentiality, accuracy and timeliness.
-    Support in any other administrative or logistical support requested by the project team.
-    Hygiene promotion and COVID-19 prevention messaging during field operations
-    Support in a range of other administrative or field tasks based on the need.


Minimum Requirements:

•    Good written English, with good command of spoken Arabic and English. 
•    High school certificate or undergraduate diploma.
•    Good understanding and knowledge of Beirut area.
•    Ability to act with appropriate respect and empathy
•    Ability to listen and respond to beneficiary inquiry under any circumstances.
•    Ability to gather information in an objective, appropriate and sensitive way.
•    Ability to ask appropriate gender sensitive questions.
•    Expertise to enter, transcribe, record, maintain data/information in written or electronic forms.
•    Basic understanding of technology such as tablets.



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
09 Aug, 2020
Intervention Sector(s):
Relief Services
Application Deadline:
Sunday, 30 August 2020
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
On call
Salary Range:
< 800 (USD)
Education Degree:
High School
Education Degree Details:
Experience Requirements:
Less than one year
Arabic Language:
Very Good
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon