Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

Bids must include the following:
 Proposal including outline of assessment framework and methods, including comments
on the TOR, proposed time frame and work plan
 Proposed assessment budget including a breakdown of costs of international travel,
accommodation, per diems and visas ( if applicable)
 CV(s) and evidence of past evaluations for the assessor / for each team member(if
applying as a team)
Submit complete bids to: [email protected]

Contact Person Name: 
Khalid Grein
Contact Person Email: 

Terms of Reference Increasing the resilience of Palestinian Refugees from Syria and host communities in Lebanon Country: Lebanon Area of assessment: Shatila and Borj el Barajne Camps Duration: 30 working days Reporting to: Desk Officer, Humanitarian Aid HEKS Zurich 1. BACKGROUND The United Nations Lebanon Crisis Response Plan 2016-2017 aims at providing livelihoods support to 33,651 Syrian Refugees in 2016, either directly through skills training and employability support, or indirectly through engagement in public work programs, and through support to businesses in sectors where Syrians are traditionally working and allowed to work according to the Ministry of Labor’s decrees. Building on the LCRP 2016, the Government of Lebanon Statement of Intent to the February 2016 London conference presented a five year plan on economic opportunities and jobs including amongst others the following statements: “to ease the access of Syrians to the job market in certain sectors where they are not in direct competition with Lebanese, such as agriculture, construction and other labor-intensive sectors”. In principle, these sectors are also open to Palestinian Refugees from Syria (PRS) and to Palestinians Refugees from Lebanon (latter being refugees and their descendants which fled to Lebanon from Palestine in 1948 and 1967). Reality, however shows a more difficult and complex situation for both PRL and PRS, since they do not enjoy the same legal rights and have lower educational levels than their Non-Palestinian Syrian counterparts. HEKS/EPER has been providing humanitarian assistance to PRS in Lebanon since 2013 and unconditional cash support since 2015 to PRS and most vulnerable PRL in Shatila Camp. Since 2016, HEKS is providing PRS and PRL humanitarian assistance in form of unconditional cash as well as cash for work opportunities with objective of improving the environmental health conditions in the two camps. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY For 2017, HEKS/EPER wants to focus its programs in Lebanon on two pillars: Increasing resilience of refugee and host communities in the camps and promoting social cohesion between the two communities. The host community being Palestinian Refugees from Lebanon (PRL). For this purpose, HEKS/EPER seeks a consultant who will conduct a feasibility study with the following objectives:  Identify, map, and assess possible livelihood interventions for PRS and PRL that might lead to employment, self-employment opportunities and income generating activities to mitigate poverty among refugees and host community and reduce their dependency on external aid.  To identify and assess partner organizations, community organizations, cooperatives and other types of structures that have the capacity to implement part of the livelihood and resilience projects. The study should take into account that all recommended interventions should ideally promote social cohesion between the refugee and host community in and beyond camps and at least do not exacerbate existing cleavages (conflict sensitivity). The impact of the programme on the surrounding Lebanese areas is to be assessed/taken into consideration as well. Areas of interest Ideally the study should look at economic opportunities in the 2 camps where HEKS/EPER is providing assistance, Shatila and Borj el Borajne camps but more importantly also the potential options beyond the camp boundaries. General economic characteristics in the camps  Major economic and business activities – main drivers of the economy in the camp  Wealth distribution amongst target group  Number of people who currently receive micro-loans  What were micro loans used for and success rate of micro loans  Common source of income of target group (e.g. self-employment, employment, seasonal employment, remittance)  Income levels/unemployment rates Market mapping and demand  Small business types, key sectors, products /services/manufacturing  Number of new/expanded/diversified businesses in the target community  Type and number of existing businesses  Seasonality of businesses, products and services  Predominant production and market demand structure for business types - basic value chain mapping. Identification of niches where Syrian refugees could be included.  Common barriers to business growth and development  Market opportunities (Market growth potential, potential for cooperation, potential for net-income generation, outreach, gender inclusiveness).  How can PRS and PRL be best included in existing businesses and what opportunities exist for new businesses Legal and regulatory conditions  Business laws and regulations for all common types of business including registration, licensing costs etc.  Asset and ownership laws Data on current and past activities of other INGOs, partner organisations, community organisations, cooperatives, etc. 3. DELIVERABLES AND REPORTING DEADLINES The assessor/ assessment team will submit following reports:  Inception report: Following the desk review and prior to beginning field work. This report will detail a draft work plan with a summary of primary information needs, the methodology to be used and a workplan/schedule for field visits and major deadlines. With regards to the methodology, the evaluator/ evaluation team will provide a description of how data will be collected and analysed. A sampling framework, data sources and drafts of suggested data collection tools such as questionnaires and interview guides should be included.  Initial Assessment Report: This report will outline a long list of promising sectors with corresponding interventions. Based on following selection criteria HEKS/EPER will chose 4-5 most feasible interventions:  Conflict Sensitivity: which interventions will most likely promote social cohesion and reduce tensions between refugee and host communities? A conflict sensitivity assessment will be carried out by HEKS/EPER prior to the livelihood assessment in order to address this question.  Funds: How much funds must be envisaged annually for the respective intervention?  Outreach: How many direct beneficiaries can profit from each intervention?  Sustainability: The objective of the livelihood interventions are to promote the resilience of the refugees on a longer term. Therefore the most sustainable interventions will be selected.  Final report: The final report should give a detailed intervention strategy of each of the 4-5 interventions which were selected. Data should be disaggregated by age and gender and different actors groups (e.g. PRS, PRL). The final report should include following contents:  Content page  Abbreviations  Acknowledgements  Executive summary  Introduction  Purpose and objectives of the assessment  Scope of the assessment, short statement on the assessment methods used  Detailed description of the selected interventions and the intervention logic / and the implementation arrangements  Should assessor propose interventions which imply a value chain processes these need to explain in detail, especially concerning the implementation modalities.  Findings  Conclusions  Lessons learned  Lessons that may have implication for the future of the development intervention or may be relevant for wider application.  Recommendations  Annexes: TORs List of stakeholders consulted Detailed description of the assessment process and methodology (including any limitations of this method), information sources (including any data issues), stakeholders participation and consultation. Proposals should present a budget for the number of expected working days over the entire period up to 30 person days. In addition proposals should outline number of proposed working days for each activity planned. The assessment is envisaged to start beginning of April 2017. 3. PROFILE OF CONSULTANT - A University degree in economics, business development, social studies or any other relevant field and/or relevant work experience in these field over the past 5 years; - Significant and relevant experience in the development of humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and development programs, preferably in linking these programmes. Experience in the field of livelihoods and socio-economic resilience is a must; - Thematic experience in the fields of livelihood programming, particularly skills development, vocational training support, income generation activities; - Knowledge of the humanitarian context and structure in Lebanon, familiar with relevant policy debates on legal status of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon; - Strong analytical skills and the ability to operationalize strategies into practice; - Knowledge on PCM and other tools and methods that can be used in the livelihood and resilience projects such as FGD and the ability to train a selected team on these skills; - Knowledge on Conflict Sensitivity Programming is an asset - The ability and experience to link humanitarian livelihood programs to longer-term sustainable development programmes. - The ability to think out of the box and be creative in innovative strategies, methods and project options; - Excellent English writing skills. 5. APPLICATION PROCESS AND REQUIREMENTS Application deadline: 15 th March 2017 Proposed interview dates: between 16th and 31st March 2017 Bids must include the following:  Proposal including outline of assessment framework and methods, including comments on the TOR, proposed time frame and work plan  Proposed assessment budget including a breakdown of costs of international travel, accommodation, per diems and visas ( if applicable)  CV(s) and evidence of past evaluations for the assessor / for each team member(if applying as a team) Submit complete bids to: [email protected]



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
23 Feb, 2017
Intervention Sector(s):
Application Deadline:
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
30 working days
Salary Range:
Education Degree:
Masters Degree
Education Degree Details:
A University degree in economics, business development, social studies or any other relevant field and/or relevant work experience in these field over the past 5 years
Experience Requirements:
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language: