Setting The Path Towards The Establishment Of An Integrated National Park

This project aims at building up stepping stones and drawing the path towards the creation of a national park, setting the base lines for local biodiversity conservation

Overall Objectives: 
The main objective is the development of a sustainable natural/forest resources management plan for the Akkar/Donniyeh area adopting the Integrated Ecosystem Approach involving the local communities and community leaders (municipalities). Specific objectives: Build up ecological baseline information on the region: Assessing forest regeneration dynamics, identifying flora and avifauna richness, characterizing dominant vegetation types, defining habitats and available natural resources. Create a habitat map of the area delineating clearly the zones of relic forest types, dynamics areas of forest regeneration, open grasslands, agricultural zones, as well as areas potentially fit for development of ecotouristic activities. Based on an Integrated Ecosystem Approach, identify management priorities and strategy involving local communities, municipalities as well as national partners, and taking into account: Predictive model of climate changes that will have significant impact on the bio-geographical shifts and future altitudinal distribution of species Direct and indirect value of existing natural resources Potential economic value of NWFP including medicinal plants, edible wild species, Draft a global framework for a National Park adapted charter targeting conservation measures as well as institutional structure for protection Explore and identify potential threats that might hinder the effective implementation of protective measures on site and suggest alternatives conservation strategies such as job creation, targeting international donors etc.
Biodiversity conservation Flora: relying on Flora, habitat, dominant vegetation types and forest regeneration capabilities will be built up through extensive field surveys and supported by bibliographic review. Eco-geographic studies (including ecological, biological, social and economic). A bibliographic review will be performed to set a methodology taking into consideration the different vegetation types, topography and site characteristics of the areas. Sampling strategy and survey form will be developed to support eco-geographic studies including biological aspects, physiographic, plant population, and disturbance factors. Anthropological and ethno botanist studies will be carried out to highlight the practices and the needs of local communities. A socio-economic assessment will be carried out to evaluate the potential of the area and opportunities for sustainable development and ecotourism activities. Definition & characterization of plant community profile (dominant species and distribution density): The data collected in the field will serve to define and characterize plant community profile, the various ecosystems and habitats encountered in the area. Birds Fields visits and bird counts: Census birds at this site will take place all through the year except probably in winter Capacity building of local groups: Community consultations will be undertaken in parallel with the field visits to collect anecdotal information on birds. Then a few members of the local community will be trained on bird identification, field monitoring and reporting to ensure a certain level of local commitment and ownership. IBA assessment report: The IBA assessment report includes information on the bird species list and their occurrence at the site (nesting) as well as an assessment of the threats to their availability (e.g. excessive and indiscriminate hunting, habitat loss, pollution, lack of food sources or resting sites.). Submission of findings for designation as IBA: Once these steps have been undertaken, an IBA datasheet is prepared and submitted to BirdLife International Cambridge for the designation or not of the site as an IBA. Develop a framework for a national park management -Ecological zoning and mapping: The baseline information on flora and Avifauna will serve to define the important mini-spots for conservation, the transition area and areas for human and eco-tourism activities. Thus ecological zoning and mapping will rely on the use of the Geographical Information system (GIS). Development of management framework for the National Park: Accordingly, mapping and zoning of the ecological zones will support the development of the framework for conservation of biodiversity in the area and the management of the national park of Akkar-Donniyeh. Monitoring of plant communities & Site specific biodiversity statistics: According to the objectives set by the Framework of the national park, a monitoring programme for Flora and Avifauna will be designed and a first attempt to define indicator and key species will be initiated. It will take into account the following objectives: protection of dominant ecosystems that will ensure its timelessness and even its development; protection of rare ecosystem in terms of indigenous species (animal, vegetal) or precarious as the humid zones that require difficult conditions to be identified. Exploring alternative protection mechanism under the framework: the framework will come with suggestions concerning alternative protection mechanisms under municipalities responsibility. Monitoring manual: a monitoring manual for Flora and Avifauna will be prepared to serve as a guidance tool for selected local group members who are committed to continue bird monitoring. A reporting mechanism will be proposed to feed this information into the World Bird Database and make the site known worldwide
Start Date
Wed, 01/02/2006 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
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Collaboration with Other Organisations
RSCN/CDR/MOE/Laval University/AUB