Lphu - Project Integration Of People With Disabilities Needs' Within Technical And Vocational Education

-This report is issued by the Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union, September 2011.
Objective of the report:
     This report aims at finding empowering mechanisms for applying inclusion of disability in the general directorate of occupational and technical education.
    Content of the report:
-       Introduction.
-      Objective of the report.
-       The actual status and challenges.
1. Legalization and organization.
2.  Preparation of buildings.
3.  Indexes
4.  The laboratories and factories.
5.  Teaching methods.
6.  Transportation methods.
The current framework of technical and occupational education:
-       Draft 1:
-       Partnership programmes currently employed in occupational and technical education.
-       The suggested model.

Lebanese Union for People with Physical Disabilities
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Disability & Special Needs
Disability & Special Needs
In Association with: 
MPDL, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion, AECID, LPHU