Terms and References for a consultancy to review existing testing and certification practices and propose an upgraded version for adoption by DGTVET/NEO and line ministries in Lebanon.


The testing and certification process confirmed that if a learner completed a learning process through a regulated training programme and passed the required assessments. Testing/assessment is conducted by collecting information/measurements to establish a trainee’s competency/qualification (i.e., knowledge, skills, and attitude). The successful learners are awarded the qualification based on his or her acquired competencies. The testing and certification process documents who the person is and what they know and can do. It is a passport for entering the labour market for employment. Therefore, the quality-assured testing and certification system provides a visa for TVET graduates to enter the job market with relevant skills as per the industry's need.  In Lebanon, the national strategic framework for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) was approved in 2018. The main aim of the NSF 2018 is to reform the Lebanese TVET system to enhance the employability of youth and boosting the labour market and broader national economy. The NSF for TVET is established to guide to build a quality-assured TVET system in Lebanon for promoting the employability of all residents and improve their competencies and qualifications, which will ensure equal opportunities for all, including marginalized populations, women, youth, minorities and persons with disabilities. 

The reformation of the testing and certification system of the TVET programme in Lebanon has been given stress in the NSF 2018 (NSF-building block-3). It is highlighted in the NSF that the existing formal examinations are conducted to test the theoretical knowledge only and there are few practical assessments organized to test competencies against occupational standards. It is also mentioned that the employers are not involved in the assessment design and implementation process. Therefore, a quality assured competency-based assessment and certification system involving all relevant parties needs to be in place to ensure the quality of TVET graduates with relevant competencies as per the labour market demand.

In this connection, the ILO has taken the initiative to recruit an individual national consultant under the PROSPECTS funded by the Kingdom of Netherland to conduct a study to review the existing testing and certification of the TVET programme under DGTVET, Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), National Employment Office (NEO) and other relevant ministries. The consultant will propose a revised quality-assured testing and certification approach for the formal TVET system in Lebanon.


Purpose of the study

This study aims to review the existing testing/assessment and certification systems of the accredited TVET programmes offered by public, private and NGOs run TVET providers under the DGTVET and other ministries. This study will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing testing and certification system of TVET programmes and propose a quality assured competency-based testing/assessment and certification system for the DGTVET-MEHE and other ministries the National Strategic Framework (NSF) for TVET in Lebanon.


Key responsibilities of the consultant

The key responsibilities of the consultant will be to:

  • Review existing regulations/policy supporting testing and certification system of formal and non-formal TVET programme under DGTVET- MEHE, NEO, NVTC, MOA and other relevant ministries/ in Lebanon;
  • Review accreditation procedures and quality assurance frameworks considering testing/assessment and certification; 
  • Analyse the cost of assessment and certification processes (rooms, materials, technical equipment, certification fees, assessor fee, training programmes for assessors); 
  • Review existing appeals/rectifications system for trainees;
  • Interview the key stakeholders at the system level (national/regional policy levels) and the intermediate/institutional level (such as two quality assurance managers of TVET providers, two TVET inspectors, four trainers  and four assessors);
  • Interview the employers (Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture - CCIA) and key business leaders (Association of Lebanese Industries-ALI), private sector associations (5 associations) and Workers Associations (CGTL and FENASOL) to what extent they are involved in the existing assessment and certification process of TVET graduates and how they would like to contribute to improving the system;
  • Conduct a focus group meeting with DG-TEVT officials , NEO, NVTC and MOA (at least 4 officials from the relevant Department of DGTVET, 2 officials from NEO and 2 NVTC, 2 Officials from MOA) to assess the current testing and certification process followed for accredited public and private TVET providers, critical gaps in policy and implementation and recommendations for the future;
  • Organise a focus group meeting with the public and private TVET providers and private sector (10 participants) to evaluate the quality assurance mechanisms they have in place and the critical gaps and challenges they face in ensuring the quality of the testing and certification system;
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing testing and certification process about the quality assurance related to testing and certification system;
  • Conduct a half-day consultation meeting to share the data with the stakeholders gathered through interviews and collect additional data from the stakeholders;
  • Organize a validation workshop to finalize the report;
  • Submit the final report outlining the proposed assessment and certification system.



  • Conduct a literature review of testing and certification for TVET graduates globally and in the Arab states to provide the background context for this assignment and examples of best practice[1];
  • Collect quantitative and qualitative data through face-to-face/online/telephone interview and focus group discussions using a semi-structured questionnaire on the existing testing and certification process of accredited TVET programmes;
  • Analyse collected data, share the findings and recommendations with ILO and relevant stakeholders in a half-day workshop and collect additional information from the stakeholders;
  • Synthesize the results and prepare the first draft report by analyzing the data collected through interviews and FGDs to present before ILO, DGTVET, NEO and other relevant stakeholders in a validation workshop.
  • Prepare and submit the final report after incorporating relevant comments and feedback gathered in the validation workshop.

How to apply

Interested bidders must submit their proposal in scanned/PDF signed copies by email on or before 30 September 2020 to Mr. Ali Nasser, Project Assistant Skills at [email protected]. The required content of the proposal is listed below. The technical and financial proposals should be attached to the email as separate documents. The bidder will receive in return an email confirming receipt from Mr. Nasser.

The subject of the email should mention “Ref. No.: Consultancy to review existing testing and certification practices and propose an upgraded version for adoption by DGTVET/NEO and line ministries in Lebanon”. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation.

Wednesday, 30. Sep 2020
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Law & Legal Affairs
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
This work would be implemented within a maximum 2 months period (to be completed by latest before 10th of December), including the preparation phase, fieldwork, data collection and analysis, final report and completion of all deliverables.