In Kind Donation Of Medications And Medical Supplies

HCS receives medical supplies and medications from our Partener in USA, ANERA. These medications are distributed to other NGOs working in the health sector mainly PRCS. Also HCS distribute these medications directly to its beneficiaries.

Overall Objectives: 
Medications are very expensive and this project helps to relief some of the burden of the cost of medication. In addition to the important medical supplies that Palestinian clinics get from these donations. We get around 4-5 shipments per year.
HCS receives the manifest of the items for donation. We chose the most needed medications. They are shipped to us by sea and some times by air when there is a crisis in Lebanon to use in emergency. We distribute the med. And medical supplies to other NGOs according to their needs and number of beneficiaries. HCS pays all the expenses of the shipment (delivery and clearance) when it arrives in Beirut.
Start Date
Tue, 01/01/2008 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations