Call for Applications - Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Workshop for NVC-Trainers and Advanced Practitioners

forumZFD offers a workshop facilitated by Duke Duchschereron Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for people who already work as NVC practitioners or trainers. The three-day workshop shall help to dive further into the depth of the approach through practice and reflection. The course is designed to validate and increase your knowledge and skills with a CNVC certified trainer.  Moreover, it is a good opportunity to connect to the community of fellow NVC practitioners.

Are you

  • … familiar with the approach of NVC following the practice of Marshall Rosenberg and the Center for Nonviolent Communication (
  • … eager to learn more by practicing on real-life situations?
  • … a trainer/facilitator who already trains others on NVC
  • … or a practitioner of NVC in your work and private life and want to learn more in order to support others?
  • … eager to live up to the principles of NVC?

Then you might want to join one or both of the Advanced Workshops which will help you to…

  • ...dive further into the depth of the approach through practice and reflection
  • ... learn more in detail about NVC like: choice, protective use of force, interdependence,
  • … value of feelings and needs, going beyond right & wrong
  • … validate and increase your knowledge and skills with a CNVC certified trainer
  • … connect to the community of fellow NVC practitioners… increase your capacity to connect to yourself & others and to hold space for others
  • … become more confident in the face of conflict and tensions
  • … gain additional skills and knowledge about using restorative circles to transform conflicts in groups

The facilitator/trainer:

Duke Duchscherer is a Certified Trainer with the International Center for Nonviolent Communication and was on the Board of Directors for the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence for 8 years. He has facilitated training in Restorative Circles and Nonviolent Communication around the world with a depth and breadth of peoples and communities from small villages at the grassroots to governmental leaders at the United Nations on four continents.

Some of this work has included supporting peacebuilders & civil rights advocates in giving voice to victims in Sri Lanka’s 25 year civil war; facilitating the building of dialogue skills in mixed Moslem-Christian communities and guiding trauma healing for those horribly affected by the Boko Haram activities in Nigeria; leading a series of restorative dialogues between the Ukrainian army and the pro-Russian community where they reside near the warfront in Ukraine; and, helping build the reconciliation skills of two of the Commissions working for Truth and Reconciliation in Nepal after 10 years of civil war.  and 


The organizer:

In cooperation with its local partner organisations forumZFD Lebanon works within three program areas: Dealing with the Past, Community Mobilising and Capacity Development. It advocates for non-violent conflict transformation on an individual and institutional level.

This workshop is not limited to people working in the area of conflict transformation. It is targeted to participants with previous NVC knowledge no matter if they work in NGOs or in the business, social or public sectors, in the field of education, in therapeutic professions or any other areas. Diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives of participants will in fact be an enrichment to the workshop.

forumZFD sponsors this workshop so that the expected contribution per participant is reduced to 50 USD. All contributions will support the establishment of the NVC community in Lebanon.

How to apply

If you want to participate, please:

  • register via the google form by latest 11th January 2020
  • give us time until the 17th January 2020 to confirm your participation (this will depend on the number and experience level of people interested in this workshop). Shortly after we will also announce the venue (which depends on the number of participants – maximum number 15)
  • make sure you can attend the entire workshop without being disturbed by other commitments, phone calls, etc.
  • make sure you (re-)read the book ‘NVC- a language for life’ of Marshall Rosenberg as we will build on this knowledge
  • note that this workshop will be interactive and include personal and professional reflection
  • note that each participant is expected to contribute 50 USD to the workshop. Stipends are available on request (see google form)
  • note that this workshop is mainly organised for Arabic-speaking participants from Lebanon. Others will be considered if seats are available

We look forward to hearing from you and if you have any further questions or if you are interested in other NVC-workshops in the future, please feel free to email us ([email protected]). In case the link above does not work, please click here:

Saturday, 11. Jan 2020
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Conflict Resolution, Mental Health, Training & Capacity Building