Impact Study 2018 - Celebrating 10 Years of Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation

Why Non Formal Education? Why Intercultural Learning? Why Youth Participation? What's in it for Youth?

Questions that we hear on a daily basis from youth, parents, members, friends and others. 

After being actively involved, since 2008, as an organization in the EU programs Youth in Action, Euromed Youth and lately Erasmus Plus, Chabibeh Sporting Club decided to analyze the impact of the projects uner these programs on young people's personal and professional development, celebrating 10 years of Euro-Mediteranean Cooperation

Chabibeh Club
Publishing Date: 
Sunday, 5 August 2018
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Culture & Tourism, Education, General, NGOs, Mental Health & Psychosocial
With the support of: 
Nous NGO Italy