Amel Emergency Response - One Year Of Humanitarian Action With Syrian Refugees

In March 2013, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) registered 48,000 Syrian refugees, bringing the number of refugees registered and awaiting registration with the Office to just under 400,000. However, the Lebanese Government estimates that approximately one million Syrians are seeking refuge in the country. The humanitarian situation is deepening as the number of Syrian refugees in the region could double or triple by the end of the year if no solution is found. In response, Amel is stepping up the assistance to Syrian refugees in Lebanon by providing primary healthcare, education and psychosocial services and distributing food and non-food items.  For more information about our activities with Syrian refugees, you can have a look at its Syrian Refugee Annual report covering the period April 2012-April 2013.

Amel Association
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Resource Type: 
Activity Reports