Amani South Organization

Last modified: 
24/04/2020 - 1:51pm

Amani South' Association is a Health, Cultural, Charitable, Social, Independent, Non Political and non-profit organization. Its Headquarter is located in Siddiqine -South Lebanon.
The association has also 2 branches in the South of Lebanon (Nabatieh, Bentjbail). It is registered in 10 April 2012 in Lebanon according to the public notice No.606 issued by the Lebanese MOI.
Founded in the Lebanon in 2010, the association was the result of serious efforts made by many persons, from different communities and various areas in the South of Lebanon devoted themselves
to voluntary, charitable and humanitarian activities and services.
These staff worked in various fields. Some of them are medicines, translators, technicians, engineering's, teachers, administrators and social employees. Their fields variety and their long experiences (above 10 years) in social, voluntary and humanitarian activities helped to realize much better plans and societal programs of the association.
The members of Amani South' Association took the responsibilities to reach the association objectives aiming to help people in need without any discrimination as to nationality, political views or social class and to serve the society.
In order to find necessary solutions for building a society deprived of ignorance, poverty, illiteracy and diseases, the association worked in a long-term plans to:
• Establish health centers, medical laboratories and charitable clinics
• Promote local, integrated, equitable and sustainable economic and social development
• Help citizens to benefit from their capacities to solve its social problems and to contribute to the society development process
• Develop human resources and enable them to self-sufficiency
• Provide help , medical and social consultation to any person in need without any national, political religious , regional or social discrimination
• Give the elderly necessary attention, ensure social protection for children and women empower-ment and fight any kinds of discrimination
In order to guarantee the realization of its objectives and the success of its efforts to achieve sustainable and long-term development, Amani South' Association works on many societal programs
• Health Behavior Education program
• Road Safety and Injury Prevention program
• Environment Protection program
• Women Empowerment Program
• Illiteracy Eradication Program
• Skills and Arts Promotion Program
• Communications Technology prograrw
• Engaging Youth in Development Pr ram

The members of Amani South' Organisation welcome any person who can give any support to the
Organisation (Financial, logistical, and experience). They also lend their hands to the other civil society organizations and associations in order to realize integration and partnership, achieve the top most and Common objectives, confirm the work for the human being and to build an advanced and developed society without all the impurities of the war, ignorance, poverty, illiteracy and disease.
"What you wish, we Realize"

Organisation Type: 
Local Civil Society Organisation
Founding Year: 
Country of Origin: 
Intervention Sector(s): 
Children & Youth
Mental Health
Shelter and Non-Food Items
Contact person's position: 
President/General Manager
Contact person's email: 
Contact person's phone number: 
Near Siddikine Municipality
Tyre , South Lebanon
Phone: +9613767218
South Lebanon LB
Near Siddikine Municipality
Contact person's name: 
Hussein Farhat


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General objective

Monday, 15 August 2016

للعمل مع النازحين السوريين بمشروع يتعلق بالتامين الصحي والغذائي والتطعيم للاطفال لمن هم دون الثانية عشرة من العمر

Monday, 15 August 2016


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