
Espoir Sante will support PADC to carry out specialized healthcare services for Special needs people

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

Based on early intervention rehabilitation programs implemented so far by the association, the tremendous negative effects of the war are striking, on both the physical and psychological levels; ma

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

The MACMAG GLIP project provides a platform for exchange of research, analysis, training, capacity building and institutional development on Gender and Development (GAD) throughout the Arab world (

Distribution food Security packing for poor families who have been affected by the war

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

HI will support PADC to carry out specialized services for extremely vulnerable persons who sustained disabling injuries as aresult of the recent war or a cluster bomb/UXO.

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

PADC will identify most vulnerable persons and fit them with specialized rehabilitation sessions.

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

Lebanese expatriates from all over the world are encouraged to sign-up with SayabqaLubnan.
com for volunteer opportunities in Lebanon during the summer of 2007.

SRI International and the Social and Cultural Development Association (INMA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Trade (MOET), launched the High-Value Crop Diversification Project, w

The Social And Cultural Development Association

The recent war in Lebanon has not only caused thousands of deaths and injuries, and destroyed homes and infrastructure, but has also left the survivors daily lives in upheaval in which day-to-day r

The current organization is on 500 meters square area incorporating all the units and the activities of the PADC in addition to the specialized hearing center that was currently funded and opened b

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

The project objectives are entirely attained for the list that we dealt with (32 beneficiaries) but we hope that there will be further cooperation between us because the problem of mines and cluste

Philanthropic Association For Disabled Care

To see effective educating leadership through the provision of training and resources.

To produce theological books in Arabic language.


The action revolves around producing a theatre play:

Mada has been working for one year on the creation of National Park in the moutains of Akkar Donniyeh, different biodiversity studies are in progress and four cooperation protocoles were signed wit

Introduce honey production and aroma plantation to rural women.