We are glad to announce our new extracurricular program for our boarding students at FAID. Our programs aim is to help our boarding students to become the best version of themselves and to make them feel as if they are home, since we do understand how hard it is for them to be away from their families.

The new program’s is full of activities, entertainment and outings to fulfil the needs of our boarding students. We do believe this kind of activities will help build up good relationships between the students and help them feel secure and loved.

In this regard we are organizing fundraising event to help us continue our extracurricular program for the benefit our Lebanese and refugees students.

Add to my Calendar Organizer 2019-09-04 10:30:00 2019-09-04 15:00:00 [email protected] Asia/Beirut public
Start/End Date and Time
أربعاء, 04/09/2019 - 10:30am to 3:00pm
Event Location:
Beit El Sokhn
Kaslik area
Kaslik , Mount Lebanon
الهاتف: 05-920735
Mount Lebanon LB
Event Type:
حملة جمع تبرعات
Help us continue our activities for our boarding Lebanese and Syrian refugees at FAID