
Palestinian Territory
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
تاريخ البداية: 
08/12/2020 - 11:00am

The Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development and Lebanon Support cordially invite you to a discussion on “Localising the 16 days of activism against GBV”.
"يسرّ منظمة النّهضَة العَربيَّة للديمُقراطيَّة والتَّنمية ومركز دعم لبنان دعوتكم إلى نقاش حول "تعزيز محليّة حملة الـ ١٦ يوم لمناهضة العنف على أساس النوع الاجتماعي

تاريخ البداية: 
30/11/2020 - 6:00pm

UN launched the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence, Sawa for Development is organizing a Zoom Webinar about" Gender Based Violence During Covid19"

تاريخ البداية: 
17/06/2020 - 6:30pm

حلقة خاصة بمناسبة يوم اللاجئ العالمي
الحماية الاجتماعية للفئات الأضعف: اللاجئين ومن ضمنهم ذوي الإعاقة
الجلسة التاسعة لسلسلة حوارات إقليمية حول سياسات الحماية الاجتماعية في المنطقة العربية
الأربعاء 17 حزيران 2020، الساعة 6:30 حتى الساعة 8:00 مساء
سيتم بث لقاء Zoom مباشرة على صفحتنا

تاريخ البداية: 
17/06/2020 - 6:30pm

World Refugee Day Special Edition

Social Protection for the most Vulnerable: Refugees, including Persons with Disabilities

The 9th session of Social Protection Policies in the Arab World Dialogue Series

Wednesday 17 June 2020, 6:30 -8:00 pm

Zoom meeting is livestreamed on ARDD Facebook page ArabRenaissance

تاريخ البداية: 
09/04/2020 (All day)

As part of The Socio-Economic Justice Initiative-MAAN strategy to build the accountability and citizen engagement culture, MAAN will develop and implement an “Activist Academy”. MAAN will outreach and select 25 youth between the ages of 18-25 to commit and participate in the citizenship building sessions. The project aims to catalyze not only the interest amongst youth to engage, but also to capacitate their activism spirit to become more efficient, sustainable and resilient. The Academy agenda will consist of weekly workshops and seminars divided between knowledge and skills sessions targeting youth.

We are looking for youngsters (18-25) Lebanese, independent and active in the revolution. If you are interested to be part of the academy, please fill in this application form and submit it before March, 10.

تاريخ البداية: 
28/02/2020 - 9:00am

After the great success of the first Cancer Awareness Village organized by Barbara Nassar Association on February 2019, under the Patronage of the Ministry of Public Health and in collaboration with the Hospitals, Universities and NGOs.
We are inviting you to participate in our second Cancer Awareness Village 2020.