
تاريخ البداية: 
04/07/2022 - 8:30am

This training course on strategic financial management aims to provide you with the essential knowledge, practices and tools to ensure an effective and efficient financial management of a humanitarian project and funding ressources.

Wide Awake Art Contest
تاريخ البداية: 
18/01/2022 - 11:00pm

The Wide Awake Art Contest, an open call to Lebanese and Tunisian artists as well as artists living in Lebanon or Tunisia to explore the theme “The Sound of Dissent.” The contest will showcase works by those who are documenting and memorializing their communities’ stories in times of instability, resistance, and change.

Introduction to Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
تاريخ البداية: 
02/02/2022 - 6:00pm

Open-source intelligence is the collection and analysis of data gathered from open sources (overt and publicly available sources) to produce actionable intelligence. In this course, we will explore the basics of OSINT (open-source intelligence), its different categories, and the different tools we can use to collect information and generate actionable intelligence.

تاريخ البداية: 
17/02/2022 - 9:00am

The Non-Governmental Organizations Initiative at the AUB Global Health Institute is pleased to offer you its online synchronous course: Program & Project Management for NGOs.

تاريخ البداية: 
27/01/2022 - 3:00pm

عبر إعادة تسليط الضوء على المسألة الاجتماعية كركيزة للتحليل، تسعى هذه الندوة الثالثة إلى تقديم لمحة عامّة عن التوتّرات الاجتماعية القديمة والجديدة التي يشهدها المجتمعان التونسي والمصري حاليًا. وتهدف الندوة من خلال ذلك إلى تحدّي المقاربات السائدة القائمة على ثنائية النجاح/الفشل، والتي يُفسَّر على أساسها التطوّر التاريخي للمنطقة في مرحلة ما بعد الانتفاضات الشعبية.

تاريخ البداية: 
03/01/2022 - 12:00pm

About this Call for Interest:
The Socio-Economic Justice Initiative-MAAN invites dynamic university students who are interested and active in civil, humanitarian, and political activism to be part of MAAN’s Seminars in Beirut. 
As part of The Socio-Economic Justice Initiative-MAAN strategy to build the accountability and citizen engagement culture, MAAN is implementing a series of seminars targeting active youngsters. The main objective of this project is to build a generation of young citizens, active, knowledgeable, and skilled to hold the government accountable and create wider participatory avenues for change in Lebanon through the provision of knowledge, resources, opportunity, and space for youth. Moreover, it aims to activate common citizenship to inspire social accountability, ownership, and strategy in the reform of policies and to guide and support young activists in their grassroots community to become more resilient and sustainable in their accountability pursuit.
حول هذه الدعوة:
تدعو مبادرة العدالة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية- معاً طلاب/طالبات الجامعات النشط في العمل المدني، الإنساني، أو السياسي ليكون جزءاً من سلسلة ندوات ستقام في بيروت.
كجزء من استراتيجية مبادرة العدالة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية-معاً لبناء ثقافة المساءلة وإشراك المواطنين، قامت جمعية معاً بتطوير سلسلة من الندوات التفاعلية مستهدفة طلاب/طالبات الجامعات الناشط. الهدف الرئيسي من هذا المشروع هو بناء جيل من المواطنين الشباب الناشطين وخلق سبل تشاركية أوسع للتغيير في لبنان من خلال توفير المعرفة والموارد والفرص لهم. تهدف الأكاديمية إلى تعزيز ودعم وقيادة الشباب الناشطين وتحسين وصولهم إلى الشبكات المحلية والوطنية، وذلك من خلال سلسلة من الجلسات وورش العمل. كما تهدف الأكاديمية إلى تفعيل المواطنة المشتركة لإلهام المساءلة، وإصلاح السياسات وتوجيه ودعم الشباب في لبنان ليصبحوا أكثر استدامة في سعيهم للمساءلة.

تاريخ البداية: 
16/10/2021 - 11:00am

مناقشة مع الاستاذة شيرين قواسمة حول الاقتصاد البنفسجي

تاريخ البداية: 
11/12/2021 - 10:30am

We are passing through tough period in Lebanon and many families are not able to celebrate the festive season, As part of our social responsibility ,we decided to celebrate with 25  to 30 kids with certain social circumstances and spent hours of joy with them 

تاريخ البداية: 
06/11/2021 - 11:00am

لال هذا الحوار، سيستعرض د. مكيلي سكالا العمل الجاري الذي يقوم به «مركز العلوم الاجتماعية للأبحاث التطبيقية» حول الحماية الاجتماعية في لبنان، مع تحليل أوجه التمييز والامتيازات المتقاطعة في إطار الحماية الاجتماعية الحالي، إلى جانب اقتراح سُبُل الإصلاح في هذا المجال. وسيُدعى المشاركون لمناقشة الخلاصات والإدلاء بآرائهم.

تاريخ البداية: 
09/12/2021 - 4:00pm

من خلال تسليط الضوء على أشكال ومسارات النزاع في المغرب والأردن بعد العام ٢٠١١، تهدف هذه الندوة الافتراضية إلى النظر بتمعّن في «العودة إلى المسألة الاجتماعية» وكيف يمكن لذلك أن يساهم في التوصّل إلى فهم أفضل للتغيّرات العميقة التي شهدتها المجتمعات العربية خلال العقد المنصرم.

تاريخ البداية: 
06/12/2021 - 5:30pm

Transforming Conflicts through Restorative Practices
Introductory Workshop
Trainer: Duke Duchscherer
Six sessions on 6./8./13./15./20./22.December 2021
Mondays & Wednesdays, 5.30-7.30 pm Beirut time
Please register your interest by 26.11.2021 latest (link below)
Workshop language: English

تاريخ البداية: 
15/11/2021 - 10:45am

The Inclusive Social Security Forum MENA, Institute of Political Science at the Université Saint Joseph, Beirut, and the Centre of Social Sciences Research and Action are happy to invite you to a full day hybrid event “Towards inclusive and fair social protection making in Lebanon”.

Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
تاريخ البداية: 
24/11/2021 - 6:00pm


تاريخ البداية: 
03/12/2021 - 12:00pm

Introductory Workshop on
Transforming Conflicts through Restorative Practices
Trainer: Duke Duchscherer (online)
In-person workshop in Sur/ Tyre (venue to be confirmed)
Friday 3.12 to Sunday 5.12 (12-7pm all 3 days)
Please register your interest here by 21.11.2021 latest
Workshop language: English

تاريخ البداية: 
07/11/2021 - 8:30am

This training course aims to strengthen the posture and role of managers to lead their team towards performance objectives while promoting a positive work environment. It will provide them with the methods and tools needed to organise their team, mobilise and develop skills of team members and manage difficult situations. It will also allow them to assume their HR responsibilities in link with the HR function throughout the employee’s cycle.

Humanitarian Team Management Amman
تاريخ البداية: 
05/12/2021 - 8:30am

This training course aims to strengthen the posture and role of managers to lead their team towards performance objectives while promoting a positive work environment. It will provide them with the methods and tools needed to organise their team, mobilise and develop skills of team members and manage difficult situations. It will also allow them to assume their HR responsibilities in link with the HR function throughout the employee’s cycle.

Training of Trainers for the Aid sector 5-day training course
تاريخ البداية: 
08/11/2021 - 8:30am

This training course session will provide you with the appropriate methods and tools to design, facilitate and evaluate training activities, in order to develop the professional competencies of your team members and partners. Capacity building has become an essential issue in the humanitarian sector, as it directly contributes to the quality and effectiveness of aid provided to crisis-affected populations.

MEAL training course Beirut
تاريخ البداية: 
22/11/2021 - 8:30am

This 5-day training course will cover the methodological approach of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning which is important to insure the quality of a humanitarian project.

تاريخ البداية: 
17/11/2021 - 9:00am

This online course is designed to equip NGOs’ managers and officers engaged in decision making with skills needed to develop a DRR plan based on situational analysis and comprehensive assessment of the risks portfolio within their NGO’s field and areas of operation.

United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
تاريخ البداية: 
07/10/2021 - 1:00pm

The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning for NGOs course is now AVAILABLE in its ONLINE ASYNCHRONOUS (SELF-PACED) FORMAT.