
تاريخ البداية: 
26/06/2019 - 10:00am

AiW in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA Center for Women, are pleased to invite you to a panel discussion on Advancing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in the Arab Region with:

Major General Kristin Lund- Head of Mission and Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)

Ms. Abir Chebaro- Vice President National Commission For Lebanese Women NCLW
Dr. Lina Abirafeh- AiW Executive Director
Ms. Mehrinaz Al-Awady- Director of ESCWA’s Center for Women
Njoki Kinyanjui- Chief of Gender Unit and Senior Gender Adviser – UN Dept of Peace Operations
Ms. Serene Dardari - Founder of Chams Network

تاريخ البداية: 
29/05/2019 - 4:00pm

The only available documentary about #Women's movement in #Lebanon until 1975 by AiW

نساء في الزمن؛ الفيلم الوثائقي الوحيد المتاح حول الحركة النسوية في لبنان حتى عام 1975 من قبل المعهد العربي للمرأة

تاريخ البداية: 
28/05/2019 - 4:00pm

Discussing the finding of the report that is part of a multi-country study in Lebanon, Ethiopia, and Kachin State, Myanmar to assess the prevalence of child, early, and forced marriage in fragile and humanitarian contexts and to evaluate the effectiveness of child marriage interventions and programming.

تاريخ البداية: 
10/03/2019 - 11:00am

This year, on international women’s day, we will march to reclaim our labor, our bodies, and our resources from the system that oppresses and exploits them every day.

مخيمات بدر وادي التيم
تاريخ البداية: 
01/05/2019 - 10:00am

تقام مخيمات بدر وادي التيم كل عام تيمناً بوادي التيم الذي تتوزع فيه بلدات قضاء راشيا تزامناً مع إكتمال القمر بدراً بحيث يقام مخيم واحد
لليلة واحدة كل شهر خلال فصل الصيف وعدد لا يتعدى الأربعة مخيمات بما يراعي الظروف في المكان والزمان
مواعيد المخيمات المقررة:
sat 15/6/2019 (17/6/2019 11:30 am real Fool Moon)
sat 20/7/2019 (17/7/2019 12:38 am real Fool Moon)
sat 17/8/2019 (15/8/2019 03:29 pm real Fool Moon)
sat 14/9/2019 (14/9/2019 07:32 am real Fool Moon)
رسم الإشتراك للشخص 30.000 ليرة تتضمن مياه الشرب و الاستعمال و العشاء والفطور الريفيين وبدل أتعاب الدليل السياحي
المنامة في خيم على ان تكون الفرشة و اكياس النوم على عاتق المشاركين

تاريخ البداية: 
19/10/2018 - 12:00pm

The Gender in Development and Humanitarian Assistance (GDHA) Certificate is a continuing education program designed for students, practitioners, and policymakers. The program addresses gender issues in development and humanitarian settings. GDHA innovatively incorporates academic knowledge with high-level expertise to create a new standard in gender education for development and humanitarian professionals. The standards are in-line with internationally-recognized practices. Moreover, the program builds local capacity to address local issues, building a cadre of motivated professionals in the Arab region.
