Post – Distribution Monitoring report

The PDM consisted of conducting household surveys with beneficiaries who received Non-Food Items (NFIs in the form of hygiene kits) and food vouchers as part of WVL's Syrian refugee response in the Bekaa. On total, 110 participants representing 600 beneficiaries were interviewed, the sample consisting of 5.5% of the total number of beneficiaries receiving aid as per beneficiaries’ lists for the month of August. A random sample was chosen in each area of operation (Saadnayel, MajdelAnjar, Kab Elias, Zahle and surroundings). The sample was chosen from the list of registered refugees provided by UNHCR for the month of August. A team of 2 monitoring officers supervised by a Programme Officer from the Design, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit collected the data through household surveys. It is important to note that, in Kherbit Rouha, the PDM was administered at the distribution site and not through household visits because of security issues at the time of the PDM whereby the team found it safer to have one on one interviews in a safe place, on one day. It is worth mentioning that the selection of beneficiaries at the distribution point was random and all the beneficiaries living in Kherbit Rouha were gathered at the distribution points on the same day.

World Vision
تاريخ النشر: 
الأحد, 1 يناير 2012
نوع المورد: 
Studies and Reports
Refugees, Shelter & Housing, Water Sanitation & Hygiene, Food & Nutrition