Utopia - Invitation To Bid: Hideout Rehabilitation - Zahriyeh, Tripoli.

DATE: 21/04/2017


FOR THE (Hideout Rehabilitation)

Funded By UN-OCHA

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 05/05/2017– 16:00 hrs. CET


UTOPIA Organization is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, registered at the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities under the number 1729 dated September 27, 2012, dedicated to abolishing all types of social discrepancies through specialized projects and programs that rely on voluntary work, in hopes of acquiring social justice among people within the same society regardless of their political or religious beliefs.

UTOPIA Organization relies on fundraising to cover operational and programs implementation expenses. Its sources of funding are international grant institutions in addition to local donations from the private sector and fundraising activities. We constantly try to reach out to potential partners that share the same strategic values as ours.

To achieve our mission, we invest in the following programs: Community Service, Youth Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Child Development, and Advocacy.


UTOPIA office in Tripoli, invites qualified suppliers and contractors to make a firm offer for the Rehabilitation of a hideout in Zahriyeh- Tripoli.


Exact technical specifications of the items are detailed in Annex A of this document.

It is strongly recommended that this Invitation to Bid document and its annexes be read thoroughly. Failure to observe the procedures laid out therein may result in disqualification from the evaluation process.

Note: this document is not construed in any way as an offer to contract with your firm.



The following annexes form an integral part of this Invitation to Bid:

Annex A: Technical Specifications/ Specs and regulations

Annex B: Financial Offer Form

Annex C: Vendor Registration Form


We would appreciate your informing us of the receipt of this ITB by return e-mail [email protected] as to:

- Your confirmation of receipt of this invitation to bid

- Whether or not you will be submitting a bid


Bidders are required to submit any request for clarification in respect of this ITB by e-mail to Consulting Engineer Omar Al-Assaad [email protected]/[email protected] or by Phone Call to 70/149602


Please note that Bid Submissions are notto be sent to the e-mail address above.

UTOPIA will compile the questions received and plans to respond to questions shortly after the query closing date. UTOPIA may, at its discretion, copy any reply to a particular question to all other invited bidders at once.


Your offer shall be prepared in English or Arabic.

Please submit your offer using the Annexes provided. Offers not conforming to the requested formats may be not taken into consideration.


Inclusion of copies of your offer with any correspondence sent directly to the attention of the responsible buyer or any other UTOPIA staff other than the submission e-mail address will result in disqualification of the offer. Please send your bid directly to the address provided in the “Submission of Bid” section 2.6) of this ITB.

Your offer shall comprise the following two sets of documents:

- Technical offer

- Financial offer

2.4.1 Content of the TECHNICAL OFFER


No pricing information should be included in the Technical offer. Failure to comply may risk disqualification. The technical offer should contain all information required.

The technical details of the products requested by UTOPIA can be found in Annex A.

Your technical offer should clearly state whether or not the goods you are offering are fully conforming to the product specifications given. Clearly state and disclose any discrepancies with the specifications given.

The following details shall also be provided in the Technical Offer.

Proposal specification offered:we encourage to also send photo or drawings.

Production/Delivery Capacity: The bidder shall state the mobilization time (if no setup time is required) and total lead-time for the whole quantity.

Shelf life and usable lifespan: Shelf live and useable lifespan should at least serve 10 year.

Inspection:Inspection and testing of goods may be applicable and will be advised at the time of purchase. The inspection will be arranged and paid for by UTOPIA. Please note that inspection charges resulting from the supplier’s default will be charged directly to the supplier.

Place of Inspection: The bidder shall state the place of inspection.

Country of Origin of the Supplier and place of Manufacturer:

The technical offer shall state the country in which the supplier is registered as well as the country and place of manufacture of the products.

Warranty: The bid shall include defects and liability period with terms of the warranty.

Certificate: If available, the bidder shall submit a copy of an internationally recognized quality certificate of the manufacturing company together with a copy of a quality certificate for the finished product.

Site visits:

Site visit is mandatory. Failure to visit the site will result in disqualification of the offer.

Site visits are scheduled on Tuesday April 25 and Wednesday April 26 2017

Suppliers must contact UTOPIA Tripoli to schedule a meeting on one of these dates for site visits.

BOQ:Supplier need to do his own measurements and BOQ before the start of work in order to make sure of the correct measurements.

Vendor Registration Form:If your company is not already registered with UTOPIA, you should complete, sign and submit with your technical proposal the Vendor Registration Form (Annex C).

Start Date: the winning bidder should be starting work latest, May 08 2017.

2.4.2 Content of the FINANCIAL OFFER

Your separate financial offer must contain an overall offer in a single currency in Lebanese Pounds.

The Financial offer is to be submitted as per the Financial Offer Form (Annex B). Bids that have a different price structure may not be accepted.

The following details shall be provided for each item:

Unit costs:The biddershall quote the unit price including delivery and installation at UTOPIA Tripoli premises. Any quantity or other discounts (e.g. volume discounts) shall be clearly indicated.

You are requested to hold your offer valid for 60days from the deadline for submission. UTOPIA will make its best effort to select a company within this period.

UTOPIA standard payment terms are within 30 days after satisfactory implementation and receipt of documents in order.

The cost of preparing a bid and of negotiating a contract, including any related travel, is not reimbursable nor can it be included as a direct cost of the assignment.


2.5.1 Supplier Registration:

The qualified suppliers will be added to the Vendor Database after an investigation of suitability based on the submitted Vendor Registration Form and supporting documents. The investigation involves consideration of several factors such as:

Financial standing, Core business, Track record, Contract capacity.
This will be followed later by performance evaluation as a supplier such as:

Random/ periodic testing of the supplier's products, Ability to respond quickly to Agency's needs, Timely delivery, Dependability of products and services.
2.5.2 Technical and Financial evaluation:

All bids from pre-qualified suppliers will be evaluated based on:

Compliance with the established UTOPIA specifications Unit cost Delivery capacity.

For evaluation purposes only, the offers submitted in currency other than Lebanese Pounds will be converted into Lebanese Pounds using the current rate of exchange in effect on the date the submissions are due.


The offers must bear your official letter head, clearly identifying your company.

Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope to:

UTOPIA Office: Tripoli, Maarad Street, Masri Center, Ground Floor.

The Technical and Financial offers shall be clearly separated.


The technical offer and financial offer are to be sent in separate documents. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.

Deadline: 05/05/2017, 16:00 local time.


Any bid received after this date or sent to another UTOPIA address may be rejected. UTOPIA may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, by notifying all prospective bidders simultaneously.

Please indicate on the envelope:

- Name of your firm with the title of the attachment

UTOPIA will not be responsible for locating or securing any information that is not identified in the bid. Accordingly, to ensure that sufficient information is available, the bidder shall furnish, as part of the bid, any descriptive material such as extracts, descriptions, and other necessary information it deems would enhance the comprehension of its offer.


The Financial offer will only be opened for evaluation if the supplier’s technical part of the offer has passed the technical evaluation and has been accepted by UTOPIA as meeting the technical specifications.


UTOPIA reserves the right to accept the whole or part of your bid.

UTOPIA may at its discretion increase or decrease the proposed content when awarding the contract and would not expect a significant variation of the rate submitted. Any such increase or decrease in the contract duration would be negotiated with the successful bidder as part of the finalization of the Purchase Orders for Goods.

UTOPIA may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, by notifying all prospective suppliers in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the solicitation documents prepared by UTOPIA at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective supplier.

Please note that UTOPIA is not bound to select any of the firms submitting bids and does not bind itself in any way to select the firm offering the lowest price. Furthermore, the contract will be awarded to the bid considered most responsive to the needs, as well as conforming to UTOPIA general principles, including economy and efficiency and best value for money.


Any Purchase Order (PO) issued as a result of this ITB will be made in the currency of the winning offer(s). Payment will be made in accordance to the General Conditions for the Purchase of Goods and in the currency in which the PO is issued. Payments shall only be initiated after confirmation of successful completion by UTOPIA business owner.


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 05. مايو 2017
نوع الدعوة
قطاع(ات) التدخل: