Ecole De Qualification Et D Orientation Des Sourds

The school offers special educational programs, vocational training and psychosocial assistance to children and youth with hearing disabilities. the school includes:
1)an early intervention program: directed to build the language and communication abilities of the deaf child from 0 to 5 years. the program also includes training and guidance and social and psychological consultations to the family of the deaf child to ensure that they are able to communicate and deal with the child.
2)an elementary school: The school offers educational, recreational and rehabilitation programs to deaf children in the elementary level. The school also offers social assistance and guidance to the child to help him overcome his disability and this is done in collaboration with his family and the relatives and friends.
3) Vocational Training:

الأهداف العامة: 
To help children and youth with hearing disabilities to develop their capacities and help them reach their full potential.
Educational program, Vocational Training, Psychosocial Assistance
تاريخ البداية
أحد, 01/01/1978 - 2:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى