The program includes several activities that help raising awareness.

الأهداف العامة: 
The Awareness Program aims at disseminating information and knowledge, at raising awareness on issues of public concern and at mobilizing potentials and building capacities. Its main target groups include: Women, Children and Farmers.
Children Activities: They include various activities all through the year: contests, trips, plays, educational and environmental games, in addition to the yearly summer camp that is both beneficial and entertaining. Furthermore, the special career guidance program PROPE provides beneficiaries with career options, based on the specific potential of every individual. This service is offered at the Foundation and to schools along with several environmental educational activities in close collaboration with the Agriculture/Environment program at the Foundation. Craft Workshops: Various training sessions/workshops are held mainly for women to provide them with several skills and offer them the opportunity to display and sell their products in the yearly organized exhibition. In addition, the Atelier of the Foundation regularly produces different environmental craft items. Seminars / Conferences / Flyers: Seminars are held regularly at the civic centers, schools and villages, covering various topics related to the following fields: Education, Health, Prevention, Psychology and the Environment. Discussions are held at the end of every seminar whereby Flyers (that include tips and hints) are frequently distributed to attendees. Conferences related to the above-mentioned topics are also held. * The project
تاريخ البداية
أربعاء, 01/01/1997 - 2:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى