Allah,the Almighty says in Quranic Surah of Al-Duha addressing his prophet Mohammad(PBAUH):"Did not He find you an orphan and give you refuge" In fact,Allah,Glory be to Him,mentions in this verse one of the greatest dilemmas that a child or a family may encounter in their life:"the loss of the father"which could totally paralyze the whole family life.Then the mother starts her long journey and hard struggle looking for any financial aid to pursue her mission in raising her children and providing them with their basic needs.
Henceforward, Subul Al-khair has launched its"Orphan Sponsership Program Within Their Families"looking after these deprived families and searching for sponsors who can give hand,take care and offer them a monthly assistance.This will allow them to earn their living and compensate them for the great loss of their fathers,hoping that this will bring happiness to the sponsored orphans and allow them to live in peace and dignity. Prophet Mohammed (PBAUH)SAID:
(The orphan s sponsor and I are in Heavens like these),and he raised up the pointer and the middle fingers.

الأهداف العامة: 
-Amonthly payment covering the daily needs(food,clothes...etc) -Health care by covering a part of the medical expenses and hospitalization. -Moral and psychological advice through regular visits made by our social assistants to orphans.
-Follow-UP Program, including regular Islamic Lectures, summer educational sessions and competitive contest,encouraging orphans to abide by Islamic rules. -Recreational activities such as regular purposivetrips,summer camps,sports competitions and celebrating Islamic commemorations giving the orphans moral, educational, and health guidance, and encouraging them to abondon some of their bad habits and replace them with good ones. -Educational and recreational activities as well as vocational training programs for widows in order to motivate and encourage them to become active members of the society.
تاريخ البداية
ثلاثاء, 17/02/1998 - 2:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى