External Consultancy – Accommodation Market Assessment

Post Title:
External Consultancy – Accommodation Market Assessment
Tripoli, Lebanon
Title of the project:
Emergency assistance to conflict and displacement affected populations in Syria and neighboring countries
Project #:
512-711 funded by ECHO
3 weeks


DRC Lebanon has been at the forefront of Cash Transfer Programming (hereinafter CTP) for the Syrian crisis since mid-2012. DRC is the main implementing partner of the WFP food voucher programme in Beka’a and Northern Lebanon, as well as the largest provider of cash for rent for vulnerable Syrian families in Tripoli and West Beka’a in partnership with ECHO and UNHCR.

Namely in Tripoli, DRC conducted an integrated protection and livelihood profiling of UNHCR registered Syrians renting accommodation and pre-selected 300 HHs in need of cash for rent. While home visit verifications are being conducted, DRC envisages the need for a better analysis of the markets in Tripoli, particularly with reference to accommodation and specifically rent based on a clear understanding of the HH/refugee context, from needs, protection, livelihoods, incomes to expenditures and debts.

Objectives of this market study are to:

Carry out a market mapping and analysis of accommodations and rent fees in Tripoli, specifically in areas with high concentrations of Syrian displaced populations (list of areas to be provided by DRC at the study inception): Average accommodation expenditures per HH per area (type and amount) Types of accommodation commonly used (renting, hosted, occupying empty buildings, etc.) – including the quality of accommodation (comparison based on SPHERE standards) Level of accommodation market saturation (i.e. market capacity) Main challenges (protection and livelihood) related to accommodation faced by displaced Syrian families, disaggregated by age and gender Effects on the accommodation market as a result of the conflict: both the increased Syrian displaced families’ presence and potentially as a result of restricted cross-border movement Set up baseline and progress indicators to monitor market fluctuation and impact of cash for rent assistance to Syrian displaced population; This includes projections as to how accommodation support has and will affect the market in Tripoli Provide recommendations on CTP with reference to cash for rent for the Syrian displaced population in Tripoli.
Methodology of the study:

Qualitative and quantitative analysis: Review of existing data and studies on the Tripoli accommodation market or any relevant literatures, including assessment/profiling produced by DRC Lebanon (quantitative analysis of profiling data). Qualitative data collection and analysis: Interviews/FGDs, in particular with: Displaced Syrian families – both hosted and renting (home visits recommended) Lebanese residents of neighbourhoods with high concentrations of Syrian families Landlords Municipality officials and other relevant authorities Local organisations assisting displaced Syrian families with accommodation

Accommodation vis-à-vis rental market study report for Tripoli outlining as a minimum the following:

Seasonal calendars (rental market fluctuation), including rent fluctuations since the onset of the Syrian crisis Accommodation market “profile” per area (see objectives of the study above) Household income and expenditure profiles (from DRC profiling and results of this assessment) Accommodation costs by area and target beneficiaries, including technical conditions based on DRC developed technical checklist (number of rooms, electricity, water, etc.) Local response frameworks (i.e. local organizations providing accommodation assistance) General profiles of landlords in Tripoli who rent to Syrian families: age, income, reports of exploitation, location (do they live on site? In Tripoli?) Gender analysis of the accommodation market for displaced Syrian families (access considerations, discrimination, challenges, etc. for men versus women) Any institutional or official barriers and/or discrimination faced by displaced Syrians regarding accommodation Recommendations for follow-up action for monitoring and impact evaluation, emphasizing a “do no harm” approach.

Qualification and skills:

Master’s degree/certification in economics, business administration, or statistical analysis and /or 5 years and above of experience in economic and business administration field of work Excellent research and writing skills Experience conducting market surveys in urban settings; experience with EMMA is a plus Knowledge of refugees’ protection concerns and livelihood challenges in Lebanon. A team of researchers (2 or more people) is preferred, but qualified individuals are also considered.
Please submit an assessment summary outlining your qualifications, the proposed methodology, timeframe and budget to the email address [email protected] by November 21st 2012

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 21. نوفمبر 2012
نوع الدعوة
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