The Euro Med Voluntary Environmental Camp

The Nabatiyeh region in South Lebanon has long time suffered from critical security conditions due to the repetitive Israeli aggressions that highly affected its flora.
Since its establishment in 1982, the Association for Environmental Protection that focuses mainly on environmental education and awareness-raising has implemented several environmental activities, such as gardening, reforestation, waste sorting, school environmental clubs, environment bulletins, voluntary environmental camps, in addition to environment conferences, forums and awareness campaigns. From 2000 till 2005, there were many voluntary environmental camps for Lebanese students from both sex. It is time now for an Euro Med Environmental camp.
The camp gathers two European countries (France + Spain or Italy) and two Mediterranean countries (Lebanon + Tunisia or Morocco) in order to rehabilitate Talet El Aaskar Forest in Nabatiyeh which suffered from Israeli aggression and negligence due to security conditions. There are no cluster bombs in this area. Therefore, it is safe to mange same by implementing the following: cutting back the stiff branches, planting pines instead of those that were affected by war and cleaning the land from branches and grass that might burn during the summer.
The camp consists of five volunteers from each European country, five others from the Mediterranean countries (fifteen in total), in addition to fifteen volunteers from each and every region of Lebanon. Volunteers are from both sex and they shall be trained on planting seeds and trees, cutting back the stiff branches, protecting lands from the fires

الأهداف العامة: 
1. Environmental education and awareness-raising. 2. To disseminate the spirit of cooperation among the participants and gaining new and multiple friendships. 3. To manage the concerned forest and protect it from fire, as by cutting back the stiff looking branches and cleaning its land from grass. 4. To teach volunteers how to sacrifice themselves for others. 5. To make a film on how to cut the stiff looking branches and on many other activities, to be a management tool for others. 6. To train the volunteers on how to be part of the system. 7. To launch a dialogue among young people coming from different regions and different countries.
1. To train 30 volunteers on environmental works 2. To train volunteers on how to rehabilitate and preserve forests and natural sites 3. To train volunteers on planting trees and managing plants nursery 4. To train volunteers on cutting back the stiff looking branches
تاريخ البداية
ثلاثاء, 01/01/2008 - 2:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى
European countries (France + Spain or Italy) <br> two Mediterranean countries (Lebanon + Tunisia or Morocco)<br>