North Lebanon, which was already one of the poorest areas of the country before the crisis, is hosting about one third of the million refugees from Syria. Several recent socio-economic studies have shown that social cohesion in the communities of North Lebanon has been deeply affected by the Syrian crisis.
ANERA’s recent assessment of youth needs (to be published soon) has indicated that youth from both Lebanese and Syrian communities are among the main victims of the ongoing crisis, and are increasingly resorting to violent and intolerant conducts. The Syrian conflict and subsequent displacement to Lebanon has destroyed the youth’s safe environment. As a consequence of the dire economic situation of their families, Syrian youth share the families’ burden of meeting basic needs for survival. Many Syrian youth reported dropping out of school to work and support their families, a factor that leads to higher competition with locals in the labor market. With the continuous influx of over one million refugees from Syria, the resilience of host communities is stretched to the limit, and Lebanese youth resent refugees for the deterioration of their living conditions.
Youth however, can make significant difference in the society, even and especially, during humanitarian emergencies. In spite of a pervasive feeling of anxiety, youth in North Lebanon showed a willingness to address these issues and improve relations with those of other communities. Having worked with youth in North Lebanon since 2010, ANERA has seen that youth from both refugee and host communities, when given the tools to become meaningful actors of change, can transform existing dynamics of violence and alienation.
Based on the success of ANERA’s pilot project funded by OTI in 2013 “Sports For Peace,” ANERA is expanding this model to other conflict-prone areas in North Lebanon.

الأهداف العامة: 
The objective of the Sports for Peace II project is to improve acceptance and coexistence among communities of North Lebanon by improving relationships among 1,600 Syrian, Palestinian, and Lebanese children and youth in conflict-prone areas. The intervention will empower popular sports clubs to become positive agents of social change, by widening their outreach and ability to instill values of peace and coexistence among youth.
Goal: Improve coexistence among refugee and host communities’ children & youth in conflict-prone areas of North Lebanon Objective: 1,600 Lebanese (40%), Palestinian (30%), and Syrian (30%) children & youth from 10 localities in North Lebanon have improved relationships with each other. Result 1: 12 Lebanese popular sports clubs in North Lebanon have improved their ability to mobilize children and youth and to deliver peace-building messages through sports for peace activities Result 2: 1,600 Lebanese, Palestinian and Syrian children & youth have an improved access to sports for peace activities Result 3: Mixed Syrian/Lebanese youth committees have implemented at least 8 community service projects
تاريخ البداية
أحد, 01/06/2014 - 3:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب, حل النزاعات, التعليم, اللاجئين, رياضة وترفيه
مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى
12 Sports clubs and 10 municipalities from Akkar region, North Lebanon. The project is funded by the Office of Transition Initiative (OTI).